
Partnership2Gether Spotlight: Atlanta-Yokneam

A Family Empowerment Center — supported by the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta in Yokneam, their Jewish Agency Partnership2Gether city — provides resources and classes to help the city’s Ethiopian population better integrate into Israeli society.

A German-Israeli Future?

Germany's ascendant far right questions the country’s alliance with Israel.

Deadly Violence in Israel

A gunman was killed by Israeli security forces after he murdered three Israelis near Jerusalem. Read JFNA's statement.

Support Hurricane Victims

Havoc wreaked by hurricanes in Puerto Rico, Florida, and beyond has left communities in dire need of assistance. Help us help the victims meet urgent needs and begin rebuilding. Donate now.

Jewish Agency Launches Website Promoting Jewish Diversity in Israel

Recent polls show Israelis want change. We’re committed to helping them advance religious freedom in the Jewish State. Like through the Federation-funded Jewish Agency, which allocates $2.7M every year to support Reform, Conservative, and Modern Orthodox programs that reach 800K. Learn more.