Emergency Aid Sent to Majdal Shams After Terror Attack

The Jewish Federations of North America, The Jewish Agency for Israel, and Keren Hayesod announced 600,000 NIS in special emergency aid, provided on behalf of world Jewry, to the heads of the Druze community in Majdal Shams. The funding is a demonstration of solidarity on behalf of the Jewish people, and it is intended to help provide an immediate response and relief amid the severe trauma the community is facing in these difficult times.

The heads of the three major Jewish organizations — Chairman of The Jewish Agency Maj. Gen. (res.) Doron Almog, World Chairman of Keren Hayesod Sam Grundwerg, and President of The Jewish Federations of North America Eric Fingerhut — sent a letter to head of the Majdal Shams council, Dolan Abu Salah, stating:

“We would like to express our sincere condolences following the horrific tragedy that befell your community with the Hezbollah bombing of Majdal Shams. This is the biggest disaster in the north since October 7 and the start of the war, with innocent children killed while playing on a soccer field in Majdal Shams alongside dozens of seriously injured people.

“We share in your grief and sorrow, and hope that you will find the strength to deal with the pain and loss. We see the Druze community as family, a community that is so committed to the State of Israel, and our hearts go out to you at this time.”The letter also noted the role of The Jewish Agency’s Fund for the Victims of Terror, which brings comfort to lives in upheaval by providing both short- and long-term support to victims of terrorist attacks.

“The Jewish Agency’s Fund for the Victims of Terror stands by the families and the Druze community at this difficult time,” the Jewish leaders wrote in their letter. “The Fund will help provide immediate emergency grants and long-term rehabilitation grants for the bereaved and injured families.”

The Fund’s team, led by its Chair Ayelet Nahmias-Verbin, is in contact with local authorities and the official bodies that connect them to the families of the murdered in Majdal Shams as well as the families of the wounded who are hospitalized.